Would Michigan voters support a graduated income tax? A number of Democratic state lawmakers want to know. They commissioned a poll to find out how a graduated state income tax proposal might fare on a future election ballot WGVU breaks down some of the findings.
Lansing-based EPIC-MRA surveyed 600 active general election voters asking this question: There may be a petition drive to place a graduated state income tax proposal on a future election ballot. If it were approved by voters, it would cut taxes for 95 percent of Michigan residents. The current 4.25 percent state income tax would be replaced with a tax system where Michigan residents with the highest incomes would pay the highest tax rates, residents with household incomes below $160,000 would pay significantly less, and those with the lowest incomes would pay much less. If this proposal appeared on a future election ballot and the election were held today, would you vote YES to adopt it, or would you vote NO to reject it?
An overwhelming 70 percent majority said “yes” while 20 percent said “no.”
What stands out in the polling data is that by region, the greatest support came from West Michigan respondents with 76 percent in favor of a graduated income tax. Folks who live in Michigan’s thumb gave the lowest favorability at 64 percent.
Break it down further by party and ideological lines and you’ll find Democrats support at a high of 83 percent, Republicans at 58 and independent voters at 65 percent. Tea Party supporters are also in favor with 52 percent saying “yes” to a graduated income tax.
The poll was commissioned by state Reps. Tom Cochran (D-Mason), Robert Wittenberg (D-Oak Park), and Jim Ellison (D-Royal Oak) along with state Sen. Rebekah Warren (D-Ann Arbor)
Patrick Center, WGVU News.